How Spiritual Awakening Can Life Your Anxiety and Depression as a HSP
Guest post by Chris
Disclaimer: As always, please speak to your doctor or a trained professional if you are dealing with depression, anxiety, and/or grief. If we try to observe nature and its course, we will see how things ebb and flow. Like the sun that rises each morning, it will eventually set and prepare to rise again tomorrow. Just as the water that falls down the stream, it becomes part of the ocean and is then turned into rain. This natural phenomenon of ebbing and flowing is how nature exists. Through creation and destruction, a natural order of things ensues. With that, a cycle is born, just as an existence in one place from one can traverse to the other. But what happens when we are stuck at one point? More often than not, since people have the intellectual and emotional capacity to dictate things in their life, they can also be stuck in this natural flow. Unlike the deer that doesn’t have the capacity to endlessly grieve at the death of her fawn, man is cursed with such consciousness and power to do so. By having that capacity, we as humans can choose to be stuck at one point in our lives, even if such is not the proper way to go. The death of someone we truly hold dear can easily derail us, as we dwell in such negative feelings. Before we know it, we are already manifesting signs of depression and anxiety as such slowly creeps in our system. Furthermore, such diseases can be more complicated than we think. On the one hand, we may not know it ourselves, but we may actually be suffering from one right now. On the other hand, people around us may not acknowledge such struggles, often dismissing it, leading us to be further buried in such. With that, what does spiritual awakening contribute to helping lift your depression and anxiety? First and foremost, spiritual awakening involves a critical inquiry into life's deepest secrets. As one of its forms, asking questions about the meaning of life, life after death, the presence of universal unity, and even cosmic energy, can lead us to higher plains. Traversing this path means that we are outright yearning for more, beyond the mundane concerns of the modern man. By asking our life’s purpose, we open up ourselves to things and questions that are naturally bigger than us. This leads us to inch forward and progress as we take ourselves to a new level. Even at the beginning of spiritual awakening, it already shows signs that it can be one of the ways to alleviate your depression and anxieties in life. As these questions about life itself will inevitably be raised in the process, we realize that maybe we are looking at the wrong answers and events instead of asking the right questions. Just like travelers who are lost, focusing on the fact that you are in the middle of nowhere can only lead you to be further buried in your failure. But great adventurers, even when lost, can find their way back given that they constantly ask themselves and others the right questions in life. Similarly, you should ask yourself: am I lost simply because I failed to ask the right questions? Second, spiritual awakening is a process that involves a shift in perspective. Just as we open ourselves to the divine, the way we view life will also change. Instead of placing too much value on earthly things and worldly concerns, our improved outlook will see value and happiness from another angle. When we begin realizing that we should not be trapped in the finitudes of our contingent existence, we understand that other things can be far more critical than our inner struggles. By seeing that the world has far more problems to deal with, we can volunteer ourselves to something higher and more significant than us. In doing such, we allow ourselves to become part of something more simply because we realize that indeed, there is something more than us. As a natural consequence, uncertainties and insecurities will be brushed-off for they are often stemming from one’s lack of inner belief on something or someone. Through spiritual awakening, we can widen our perspective. Such can possibly lead us to slowly deal away with our problems, making our feelings of depression and anxiety less agonizing. Third, spiritual awakening is the gateway to cosmic energy. As we open ourselves to the divine, we allow it to not only change the way we see things. More importantly, opening to the divine can lead us to be conquered by it, as its energy flows in us. Similar to all forms of spirituality, the common concept is this – to be healed and to achieve the best version of ourselves, we must see our existence as part of the greater scheme of things. Regardless of the method, you select (chakra healing, crystal healing, Ayurveda, the law of attraction, etc.,) what unites these forms of spirituality is the idea that the power of the universe becomes accessible from within. And when we are able to successfully do that, the presence of negativity in our lives will significantly decrease. As a consequence, feelings of depression, anxiety, insecurity, and uncertainty will matter less for us. By having something to hinge upon, life becomes more meaningful. With that, spiritual awakening is truly a gift for us to improve who we are. By allowing ourselves to flow through it like water in a river stream, we restore the natural balance of ebbing and flowing. As such, although we will still experience negativity and uncertainty, we’ll realize that such things are only temporary, for we are never truly trapped in the situation we are in. Author Biography: Chris is a spirituality and meditation enthusiast who writes for, a personality-testing resource based on Carl Jung’s study of the 12 Jungian archetypes. He is a firm believer of using self-discovery as a tool for uncovering one’s purpose and direction. Individualogist has guided thousands of its active members to achieve transformations and experience success in various aspects of their lives. Website: Facebook: Instagram:
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